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Urodziła czworaczki mimo problemów z płodnością. "Dopiero teraz zaczynam poznawać swój brzuch"

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09.10.2020 13:12
Natalie w 27. tygodniu ciąży
Natalie w 27. tygodniu ciąży (Instagram )

W lipcu Natalie Mareee wydała na świat czworaczki. Ciąża była zaskoczeniem, ponieważ kobieta zmagała się wcześniej z problemami z płodnością. Dziś pokazuje na Instagramie, jak wygląda jej brzuch ponad dwa miesiące po porodzie. "Dopiero zaczynam go poznawać" - pisze Natalie.

1. Ciąża mnoga mimo problemów z płodnością

Natalie Maree z Roebourne w Zachodniej Australii ponad dwa miesiące po porodzie zaczyna poznawać swój brzuch. Ćwiczenia i dieta pomagają jej wrócić do formy sprzed ciąży. W lipcu tego roku urodziła - i to naturalnie - czworaczki. Co ciekawe, jeszcze kilka lat temu wystąpiły u niej problemy z płodnością - to było jeszcze przed narodzinami pierwszej córki. Lekarze zdiagnozowali u niej brak owulacji. Rok temu niespodziewanie okazało się, że Natalie znów jest w ciąży.

Natalie podczas ćwiczeń pomagających jej wrócić do formy sprzed porodu.

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Full Body WEEKLY WORKOUT! Starring my darling Kiana Maree 😍 -1 12x BACK EXTENSIONS -2 12x KB GOBLET SQUATS -3 12x DB CLEAN AND PRESS -4 12x LYING DB CHEST PRESS (Watch the belly wobble when i laugh 🙊🤣) -5 12X KNEELING DB SHOULDER PRESS (12 reps each side) KiKi trying to get my boobie 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤣 X 4 ROUNDS Looking for more? Increase the reps to 15-20, Stand up for the Shoulder Press, Increase the weights. You could even add a few extra rounds for a longer workout. If you really want to get sweating, at the end of each round perform 1 minute of skipping, go for a jog around the block or perform 12 burpees as fast as you can 🔥 Oh and this is what training with a 2yr old looks like 🤦‍♀️🤣. NO excuse! Just get it done anyway. #mumlife #weeklyworkout #postpartum #postnatal #postnatalworkout #fitness #healthandfitness #fit #strong #healthy #workout #abdominalseperation #diastisrectis #pregnancy #returntoexersice #lowintensity #circuit #weights #kikiandthequads #quadrupletpregnancy #fertilityjourney #healthylifestyle #bodyweightworkout #postpartumbody #postpartumfitness #postpartumjourney #lovetheskinyourin #selflove #selflovejourney #postnataljourney

Post udostępniony przez Natalie Maree (@kikiandthequads)

2. Myśleli, że to bliźniaki

Kiedy Natalie udała się na badanie ginekologiczne w pierwszym miesiącu ciąży, lekarz podejrzewał, że to ciąża bliźniacza. Kiedy wraz z mężem dowiedzieli się podczas kolejnej wizyty, że to jednak czworaczki, nie mogli w to uwierzyć. Dzieci rozwijały się bardzo dobrze i cała ciąża wraz z porodem przebiegły prawidłowo. Dziś Natalie jest szczęśliwą matką piątki dzieci.

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KIKI as a BIG Sister… I get asked ALOT how Kiana is going and what she thinks of her 4 new siblings. She is actually very gentle with the babies and hasn’t intentionally tried to hurt them…YET It definitely isn’t easy for her, nor is it easy for me when she wants/needs my time or attention and I’m tending to one of the babies. We tried our very best to prepare Kiana about her 4 new siblings while I was pregnant, but how do you TRULY prepare a 2yr old for not one but FOUR new siblings. Kahn and I couldn’t even prepare ourselves for our new life. The babies aren’t FUN for her at the moment, they’re still so young so they spend most of the day asleep. But even just the feeding, bathing, changing ect takes up a big chunk of our day. SO along with being a “Terrible 2” year old we are finding she acts out when she isn’t getting attention (such as during feeding time). The 2 people that she has had ALL to herself for the past 2 years, now have 4 other little humans relying on them. When I see she is struggling and I feel all the mum guilt for deciding to keep all four babies because now Kiana is ‘missing out’. I try to remind myself of something a very good friend said to me “you have given her four GIFTS” and this sticks with me. I know that once they can start interacting with her she will enjoy having lots of siblings. I give it 1 year and she will be bossing the quads around and will absolutely LOVE having 4 best friends permanently having a playdate at her house. In the meantime Kahn and I (along with our families and amazing friends) are doing our VERY best to ensure she gets enough love and attention! It is definitely NOT easy and apart from Sleep Deprivation I would say it is the hardest thing so far about having the quads. #kiki #kianamaree #siblings #siblinglove #bigsister #family #love #journey #motherhood #mumlife #mumguilt #quadruplets #infertility #fertilityjourney #highordermultiples #familyof7 #quadrupletpregnancy #keepingitreal #life #rawimage_australia #familyphoto

Post udostępniony przez Natalie Maree (@kikiandthequads)

3. Powrót do formy po porodzie

Zobacz film: "Cyfrowe drogowskazy ze Stacją Galaxy i Samsung: część 3"

Jedyną trudnością dla młodej i szczęśliwej mamy okazał się być powrót do formy sprzed porodu, a konkretnie: nadanie jej brzuchowi względnie normalnego wyglądu. Pomyślmy, że niektóre kobiety mają z tym trudności po urodzeniu jednego dziecka, a Natalie urodziła czwórkę! Zdjęcia jeszcze z okresu ciąży pokazują, jak ogromny brzuch miała Natalie.

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The same track pants. The same person. The same beautiful body ❤ This was ME. The night before I became a mumma of 5! Every time I look back at these photos they honestly BLOW MY MIND! Isn’t the human body AMAZING? Like seriously! A sperm and an egg (OR in our case FOUR 😱). Two things SO minuscule you need a microscope to see them. Join together to form what ends up being a combination of two people and create a perfect little human. Our organs move and our bodies grow and stretch to house a baby/babies. It then nourishes and protects our young until they are ready to come earth-side. Your body MAY or may NOT be the same after having a baby! BUT when you think about what it has done, that no longer matters! 🙌 Photo 1 & 2 20/07/2020 The night before we had the quads Photo’s 3 &4 26/09/2020 10 Weeks post partum. #postpartum #postnatal #mentalhealth #quadruplets #highordermultiples #stretchmarks #abdominalseperation #diastisrectis #pregnancy #kikiandthequads #9weekspostpartum #quadrupletpregnancy #fertilityjourney #postpartumbody #10weekspostpartum #postpartumjourney #lovetheskinyourin #bodyimage #selflove #selflovejourney #postnataljourney #keepingitreal #thestruggleisreal #motherhood #mumlife #loveyourbody #loveyourself #stretchmarks #healthylifestyle #mumbod #bodyconfidence

Post udostępniony przez Natalie Maree (@kikiandthequads)

Aby wrócić do formy, przede wszystkim zaczęła ćwiczyć, czym również chwali się na Instagramie. Efekty są imponujące, szczególnie, że minęły dopiero niecałe trzy miesiące od porodu.

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WEDNESDAY'S WEEKLY WORKOUT!!! 9 weeks post birth and I’m BACK moving! And it feels GOOD! 🙌 20-30mins a day of movement does WONDERS for my mental health. Getting to a gym just isn’t an option for me right now, so body weight training at home is where I’m at. I am easing myself back into training, being very mindful that my body went through A hell of A LOT carrying FOUR babies to 34weeks and that I still have quite bad abdominal seperation (more on that another day). At 4weeks post partum I started doing 15min walks around the block increasing to 30mins over a few weeks. The past few weeks I have started more structured bodyweight or very light weight workouts 3-4x a week. Give this one a go! 💪 40 seconds WORK- 20 seconds REST X 4 Rounds =20mins Photo 1 is just to show you guys the difference beetween me sucking in VS letting my loose stomach skin all hang loose! #keepingitreal and gals when you're feeling insecure never trust posed pics you see on tha gram 😁. VIDEOS ☆1 Kneeling box pushups ☆2 Backward stepping lunges ☆3 Kneeling shoulder press ☆4 Side step squat to narrow squat ☆5 Kneeling resistance band pull apart If you want to up the intensity increase the timing to 45 seconds of work and the REST to 10/15 seconds. You can also perform the pushups on your toes, add weights to the Lunges and Squats. Stand up for the Shoulder Press and increase the weights. Even add a few extra rounds for a longer workout. This workout is a great low intensity workout for anyone starting out their fitness journey, returning to exersice, pregnant or postpartum! Don’t have dumbbells? Use cans of tomatoes Don’t have a resistance band? Do Tricep dips instead! Don’t make excuses 😉 #weeklyworkout #postpartum #postnatal #postnatalworkout #fitness #healthandfitness #mentalhealth #workout #abdominalseperation #diastasisrecti #pregnancy #prenatalworkout #returntoexersice #lowintensity #quadruplets #kikiandthequads #fertilityjourney #healthylifestyle #resistanceband #bodyweightworkout #postpartumfitness #postpartumjourney #lovetheskinyourin #bodyimage #selflove #selflovejourney #postnataljourney #fitmum #wednesdayworkout

Post udostępniony przez Natalie Maree (@kikiandthequads)

Zobacz także: Wychowuje transpłciowe dziecko. "To dla mnie coś zupełnie naturalnego. Nauczył mnie tego mój syn"

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